How to turn off Google’s location tracking

Google’s location tracking features

Google utilizes location services on your device to monitor places you visit and serve traffic refreshes, neighborhood suggestions, and other helpful stuff.

The tech monster produces a course of events of visited places/urban areas now and again, however not every person might want such sort of tracking.

How to turn off Google’s location tracking

Killing location services isn't the most ideal way

In the event that you think impairing location settings on your phone will cut Google's access. Yet, listen to this, killing location features would likewise influence the experience of utilizing Maps and different administrations that need area information, like Uber or Swiggy.

This is the reason it is imperative to cut location access for the Google account that is signed in on your phone.

How to disable location history

Most importantly, head over to Google account settings page and sign in with the account that is signed in on your phone. 

At that point, click on the 'Get started' button under 'Review your privacy settings' to arrive on the Privacy Checkup page. 

After that, click on the 'Turned on' link by Location History and turn the switch off for the equivalent

Google won't track your location if location history remains to turn off

When you turn off Location History, Google won't track where you run with your device to offer customized maps, suggestions.

The setting may influence the experience of Google services yet will pull the plug on Google's location access up as it were.

In any case, on the off chance that you have to pull the plug totally, you'll need to cripple Web and App Activity as well.

Web and App Activity 

Disable Web and App Activity is vital on the grounds that your location may, in any case, be spared from certain Google destinations, applications, and administrations like Maps, Search, or Photos.

In this way, for disguising your location completely from Google, head back to Privacy checkup page as clarified above, click on the 'Turned on' button beside Web and App Activity and turn the switch off the next page.

In the wake of turning off location, head back to the Privacy checkup page by and by and click on the Manage Location History link to see all the location data Google has on you. There, simply click on the 'bin' symbol on the privilege to clear this data.
Subhendu Ghosh

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